ich habs reingestellt,weil ich dachte,das könnte dir gefallen. als antwort/echo auf die "blue shoes"... volltreffer. lg sabine
there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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04.02.2008 18:17
Ohne Abweichung von der Norm ist Fortschritt nicht möglich.:ana1:
Frank Zappa
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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10.03.2008 14:13
Du wirst Dich wundern was man alles kann, wenn man mit dem Rücken zur Wand steht. Juan Matus
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13.03.2008 15:36
Du wirst Dich wundern was man alles kann, wenn man mit dem Rücken zur Wand steht. Juan Matus
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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Freue mich, wie bolle, weil wir ihn im Juli aufm ZMF live erleben dürfen, WOW!
Patricia, in the mood of music
•✿•ڿڰۣ✿• J E T Z T •✿•ڿڰۣ✿•
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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there are things known and there are things unknown. in between there are doors. william blake
eventually, everything connects. charles eames
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